Saturday, December 30, 2006


What happens when one dies? Is there rebirth? Is there a soul? Or is death just another "adventure" like moving into a new place? No one knows for certain. If only we could ask someone dead? Oh, how do we communicate with them? Can we even communicate with them? Hmmm.. assuming we find out how to control brain waves maybe we can. Brain waves? No no.. i don't mean the ideas that suddenly strike us and which would put up a bulb over you head if you were a cartoon. I mean waves that could be transmitted by the brain. Seems outrageous. But its possible. There are so many things the human brain can do. Who knows. Maybe these waves are possible.
Anyway, the reason i started thinking about death is that i saw a music video. One by metallica. Another one of the awesome covers from metallica. I always wonder how they can take an awesome song, add their own touch and make it sound so much better. Anyway, the video is basically about a guy who was in war , and looses his arms, legs, eyes, ears and nearly everything else. He can only communicate through morse code. Isn't he as good as dead? But they don't kill him, but keep him alive, though he wants to die. I feel so sorry for the guy, and i'm nearly in tears thinking about it. Its just so pathetic. What if real death is like that? What if you just loose the ability to communicate in any way, ie if one can just feel everything, and are aware of everything, but just can't react? What if one can feel an autopsy, or know that he's been put into a casket, and mud put all over him? Think of the helplessness! Just the thought scares the hell outta me. There's actually another interesting story. Apparently, theres this guy who is allergic to a certain kind of fish, causing his throat to swell , making him choke and also make him go into a coma. People think he's choked to death so he's taken for an autopsy. Slowly the person regains his ability to feel but can't yet react. They're gonna autopsy him. He tries to move his mouth, finger, or even his throat to release some sorta signal. He is almost cut open. This is just as scary since he's still "alive"!! I really can't imagine any other feeling that could be worse. This is what i'm most scared about. Not being in control of my destiny. Not being in control of some situations is fine, but not being able to control life? Well, thats a totally different story!
Oh and the way the story I spoke about ends? Well , apparently its a female examiner, and when she strips him and is about to cut him open, he has an erection and she realises that he's alive!!

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Well, whoever said thermodynamics is only applicable for engineering? 
Of course its applicable to many fields in engineering like mechanics, 
chemical, materials even biotech!!Of course its all the same 3 laws 
but i suppose the profs apply them in different ways!
I've actually done the same course under three different names 
each as useless as the previous though getting progressively tougher. 
Well here i've some really wierd proofs for stuff having nothing to do 
with engineering.I've been unable to disprove them !
 And the consequences of these proofs being true is mind boggling!!

The first. This actually came to me in the middle of a phone conversation 
with a friend.Very spontanious but though i've thought about it for hours 
later i still can't disprove it.See there's been so much debate on whether 
the universe is infinite or is it finite. Now what is the definition of infinity?? 
A number n is defined to have a limit infinity if for 
all x e N , n > x. So is the universe infinite or not? Well , there are so many
bodies in the universe, each having mass and hence entropy. If the
universe were infinite, the entropy of the universe would also be infinite. 
But by the second law del s>0 for the universe! But by definition of infinity 
it can't exsist!! So obviously our assumption that the universe is infinte is 
not valid.So what does this imply?? That the universe has an end, 
a boundary. What lies beyond it?? Well no one knows for certain, 
but i suppose many theories could be evolved.Just like when we thought 
the earth was flat! Which reminds me. There are some people who 
extinguish this exciting thought of an universe with a boundary by saying it 
has more than 3 spacial dimensions and hence loops around itself, just like 
the earth is for 2d. Finite, yet boundary less!

The other proof involves death and ghosts ( more on that later). Now i suppose its 
safe to assume that ghosts have more entropy than living beings given that they can 
fly and scare people. And just living beings have more entropy then inactive dead 
things. Now, in case of "spontanious" death, del g< 0. But i've never 
heard of death being exothermic, so obviously it must be a rection with positive
entropy change. Hence ghosts (or something like them) should exsist!!!
Spooky huh???

Friday, December 22, 2006


Well. I've finally got my own blog. More like the freedom to write whatever crap comes into my mind. Of course I really don't expect people to read it, but its more like an outlet for all the weird and sometimes scary thoughts that run in my head. Maybe actually writing into words would help me rationalize these thoughts. Sometimes i wonder why i wonder . Its a really vicious cycle. I loose sleep over wondering such things! Sad huh??? I know. But i really can't help it. Its just that nowadays i've so much free time that my brain ( or is it my mind??? more on that later :D) is forever roaming, never in the same topic for more than a few minutes. And considering i've been in this state for more than a year, i've a large number of shady thoughts to write out . But its not just thoughts i've had in the past year. I've had such thoughts my entire life. What started out as innocent common daydreams as a child have reached such a state that i sometimes seem to be performing one action while thinking something else entirely. Its like my brain is parallel processing. ( Is my brain really a computer?? ! :O .more later) There have been so many times when i've been driving and i've missed a turn and had to roam to get back on track. But my reflexes don't seem to be affected! (wonder why!) cause i've never caused concern for my fellow motorist. Its like the part of my brain that is in use for driving continues to do so and another part is in deep thought that the part to remember turns is temporarily turned off! Anyway, I think this was a shady enough introduction to shady thoughts! So au revoir blog, for now anyway.