Saturday, December 30, 2006


What happens when one dies? Is there rebirth? Is there a soul? Or is death just another "adventure" like moving into a new place? No one knows for certain. If only we could ask someone dead? Oh, how do we communicate with them? Can we even communicate with them? Hmmm.. assuming we find out how to control brain waves maybe we can. Brain waves? No no.. i don't mean the ideas that suddenly strike us and which would put up a bulb over you head if you were a cartoon. I mean waves that could be transmitted by the brain. Seems outrageous. But its possible. There are so many things the human brain can do. Who knows. Maybe these waves are possible.
Anyway, the reason i started thinking about death is that i saw a music video. One by metallica. Another one of the awesome covers from metallica. I always wonder how they can take an awesome song, add their own touch and make it sound so much better. Anyway, the video is basically about a guy who was in war , and looses his arms, legs, eyes, ears and nearly everything else. He can only communicate through morse code. Isn't he as good as dead? But they don't kill him, but keep him alive, though he wants to die. I feel so sorry for the guy, and i'm nearly in tears thinking about it. Its just so pathetic. What if real death is like that? What if you just loose the ability to communicate in any way, ie if one can just feel everything, and are aware of everything, but just can't react? What if one can feel an autopsy, or know that he's been put into a casket, and mud put all over him? Think of the helplessness! Just the thought scares the hell outta me. There's actually another interesting story. Apparently, theres this guy who is allergic to a certain kind of fish, causing his throat to swell , making him choke and also make him go into a coma. People think he's choked to death so he's taken for an autopsy. Slowly the person regains his ability to feel but can't yet react. They're gonna autopsy him. He tries to move his mouth, finger, or even his throat to release some sorta signal. He is almost cut open. This is just as scary since he's still "alive"!! I really can't imagine any other feeling that could be worse. This is what i'm most scared about. Not being in control of my destiny. Not being in control of some situations is fine, but not being able to control life? Well, thats a totally different story!
Oh and the way the story I spoke about ends? Well , apparently its a female examiner, and when she strips him and is about to cut him open, he has an erection and she realises that he's alive!!

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